Video: Raw Cow Milk vs Pasteurized Milk

Learn the importance of drinking raw cow milk rather than Pasteurization milk. Watch below  full video and article by Dr. Josh Axe for more details.

Pasteurization and Homogenization:

-During the process of pasteurization, milk is heated at high temperatures (150 degrees or higher)

-Pasteurization destroys the enzymes and good bacteria in the milk. It also denatures the protein, damages the minerals, and inhibits the calcium absorption of the milk.

-Homogenization: helps break down the fat molecules of milk and makes milk creamier.

-Homogenization results in oxidation of the milk. It converts the good fats in milk into bad, hydrogenated fats. It also converts sugar molecule from lactose to beta lactose, which results in a greater effect on blood sugar levels.

Raw Milk:

-Raw milk contains every essential amino acid.

-Raw milk is loaded with probiotics to promote immune and digestive health.

-Raw milk contains Vitamin D3, which boosts immunity and balances hormones in the body.

-Raw milk contains CLA (conjugated linoleic acid) to help the body burn fat and lose weight.

-Raw milk boosts nutrient levels and immunity, balance hormones, and helps the body burn fat and lose weight

-As opposed to raw milk, which contains naturally occurring Vitamin D3, pasteurized milk contains synthetic Vitamin D2, which increases the risk of heart disease.

Raw Milk: Is It Good or Bad? Must Watch VIdeo


Video Source: Dr. Josh Axe

Full Video and Article:

Video: Raw Cow Milk vs Pasteurized Milk


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